MSI Tsunami Tank
Micro Oceans consulted on the design and fabrication of the "Tsunami Tank" for the Museum of Science and Industry, in Chicago Illinois. The Tank is operated by the public using a touchscreen to control the size and type of ocean waves which impact two different coastal models.

Survival testing of a large oil production jacket
Real Model Testing
Dynamic testing of model structures is often conducted at large facilitates around the world, which duplicate the ocean environment, and examine the response to that environment by scientifically accurate models which float, or are exposed to ocean waves and current.
Seakeeping ability, and resistance to the forces of waves and current may be evaluated before construction of the full sized structure.
Tuned Spar
There are many factors which effect accurate wave modeling, and accurate model construction.
Surface tension will become a significant factor when working with very small model scales such as 1/200 Reasonably accurate model testing is usually done in 1/50 or larger scale
However, Micro Oceans often works in 1/200 scale, especially if the purpose is to educate or display a concept in the physics of energy transfer in the ocean environment.
Random Sea - Cliff & Beach
The Random Sea is a more realistic presentation of an ocean's surface. The character and energy distribution is easily measured and duplicated in model scale and can represent all of the world's oceans.
Precise, repeating Regular Waves of a fixed amplitude, and period are used to determine where a floating structure will have difficulty and instability.